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Wednesday, September 30

Generations of joy

I'm glad I bring so much joy to my mother and hopefully grandmother.

Yesterday while sitting on the front porch with the munchkins, I decided it was a good time to make a phone call to mi madre. I noticed she had called earlier and two previous phone calls had been successful. (Around here, making a phone call takes planning, being able to predict the 10-15 minute future needs and wants of two children, a patient phone-call recipient and way more patience than I feel I was allotted up in heaven before God brought me into this world). So I call her, get about a minute into the conversation and notice outside on the front porch isn't working anymore and we must move inside. She very patiently waits as I talk to her, Katherine, Nathan and the dog like a person with uncontrollable Turrets syndrome. It really does take a trained ear to be able to tell who I'm talking to. I'm trying my best to let her know that I REALLY want to continue the conversation with a big person, but these little people aren't listening and following my directions to GO INSIDE.

And then it happened. I don't remember ever swearing that I would never do this, but I sure enough laughed at my grandmas and my mother and aunts when they did it. Katherine and Gracie looked like they might be heading toward the door and I was trying to get the attention of Nathan while I held the door open for the other two who just might by pure randomness head inside (certainly not for being obedient). And I called:


Mom didn't even catch it. I brought it to her attention and all she could do was chuckle for a while. And I mean a while.

My grandma's version was "NaDoRodney." That's a combination of Nadine, Doreen and Rodney. Or sometimes, "RoDorNadine." You get the picture.

Oh well. I'm beginning to realize that I have turned into "one of them" and it will only be a matter of time before Katherine is snickering at my foul-ups.

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