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Sunday, September 20

Precious little ones

Recent updates on the kiddos:

Just this week...
  • I noticed him running away from me when I reached down to pick him up. Running. He just turned 11 months old.
  • He started trying to open up doors.
  • He started pointing to the fan, a nose, ears and hair.
  • He started clapping; although I think after he realizes his hands made that sound, he's more mesmerized and stunned. Then he claps no more.
  • He started signing the word "more" when referring to food.
  • On the way to school or church, we pass a section of the road where they're widening it from 2-lane to 4-lane and she likes to point out all the "exvagators" and "dumpdozers."
  • Home decorating tip #1: Door knobs can be so drab so dress them up with hair bands. And don't stop at your bedroom door; decorate the whole house with multiple hair bands, preferably the ones with extra ribbons or sparkles, to add a little pizazz.

Some things I'll miss when my babies grow up:
  • Watching Katherine and her cousin R dance in church. They enjoy feeling the spirit so much while singing that they are moved to dance. It's quite entertaining to whomever is around.
  • My little boy has finally let me cuddle with him. Usually a little bit before he sleeps and I take full advantage of it after he wakes up.
  • Them needing me so much. Sure, it gets old not being able to eat a complete meal without having to take a bathroom break, wipe a face, pick up toys off the floor, keep food off my white pants and try to keep my fingernails clean. It's emotionally draining not being able to get out of the house more often. Sleeping in is no longer anywhere on my radar, unless I dream of it. Spending more time than the bare minimum to get myself bathed, hair dried, make-up applied and clothes thrown on that are free of food or bleach stains is the norm. Not being able to have a conversation that lasts longer than 2 sentences without being interrupted is one I struggle with the most. And wiping saliva or nostril fluids off my legs is just plain gross. But Jim and I talk about what it would be like if our children ever moved far away. We also ask each other how much longer it will be before we can half-way enjoy a meal with them there. Neither one of us know the answer but I do know this: there is a blessed circle to this life. We start with these precious, helpless and beautiful creatures that need our undivided attention 24 hours/day. And with our guidance, love and unceasing prayers, they eventually grow into productive, self-sustaining adults (at least that's our goal). God made them to need us and he'll make it to where we are more comfortable with separation, one step at a time. I'll still miss their little needs and I try my best to appreciate them now.

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