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Thursday, September 17

Neighbors, water & singing

I don't know what's gotten into our sweet little neighborhood. Two years ago we had a house go up for rent and a lady moved in there with her twin toddler daughters. Her situation seemed harmless and most neighbors were ready to help at a moment's notice, but the daughters went to live somewhere else, the delinquent teenage daughter came to live there with her boyfriend, along with a friend, an uncle, the friend's friend and they had people visiting ALL the time. Usually for about 15 minutes then they were gone. After about 8 months of being convinced drugs were involved, and me living in fear while at home with a 9 month old, they finally moved out the house was sold and the home owners live there now.

And today, the drama continued. Another house on our street is causing concern. Around noon, I walked outside to say good-bye to a friend and saw three police cars in front of the troubled house. By the time all was over, there were four police cars, two EMT vehicles, some shouting, handcuffing and tons of speculation.

The three-year-old's take on the whole situation was: "Mommy, I want the police to come to our house."

We really do live in a good neighborhood and good area of town with great neighbors. For some reason though, some minor troubles have settled near us.


On a much lighter note, we enjoyed some water fun today because Gracie needed a bath.
Again, little dude has no fear of the water.

Then, after supper, Katherine had a yogurt pop and decided to share, but first wanted to get a picture with brother. He looks a little apprehensive about the idea.
Cautiously, he takes a bite.
I don't think he's that impressed.


I love it when Katherine wants to sing while playing the piano. Now Nathan has joined in. She's singing "Little ones to him belong."

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