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Friday, May 30

Homeschooling 2013/2014

I'm not gonna lie, Homeschooling was hard!  It started out fresh, new and exciting, but then after the newness wore off, it was WORK.  For me and her.

I truly admire those women who devote their time to homeschooling every year.  And Katherine was an easy student!  She was excited to start schooling at home and is a people-pleaser, but finding the motivation after Spring Break was practically impossible.  For both of us.

We did have some REALLY exciting adventures, though.  I couldn't have asked for a better group of families that came together this past year to teach our children.  Shae taught History and we got to know and admire her daughters Sara and Emma.  Charlotte joined us and brought her excitement for learning.  We started out with Melina and Miriam, but lost them after Christmas and gained Amy and her girls Ashtyn, Abree and Ada.  Amy taught a Spanish lesson and I did my best to introduce some elementary practicality to Science.

There's no doubt, looking back now, that God placed that desire in my heart to keep Katherine at home for a reason.  It was a great transition for her.  In the process of schooling at home this year, He blessed me with renewed old friendships and new ones that I treasure.  Each Tuesday night, while spending hours on the next day's Science lesson, I was encouraged because I knew after the schooling was over, us moms would be able to sit on the front porch and laugh until our sides hurt while our kids enjoyed each other's company.

Katherine's school story has taken a different turn, but I enjoyed her being home for her 2nd grade year.

Here are some of our adventures in Homeschooling:

Re-creating the Nile River.

Writing their names in cuneiform.

Joseph and his coat of many colors.

Dressing up like the Spartan soldier who hid a fox under his shirt.

Katherine teaching Nathan how to write in cursive.

Watching ladybugs transform from eggs, to larvae, to pupa to a light colored adult.

Tuesday, September 24

Brotherly Love

Every set of brothers have their good and bad days.

Mommies just like taking pictures of the good ones.

Saturday, September 14

Busch Gardens

One more trip.

Trying to get our Play All Year money's worth. :)

My map lovers.  Does this mommy's heart good.

Big hair and all.

My biggest monkey.

All my favorite monkeys.

This is what Brandon slept through.

Tuesday, September 3

Family Reunion 2013

I have to be honest about this post.  Today is actually August 21, 2014 and I'm trying to remember what happened a year ago.  It's just not going to be thorough, but I'll do my best.

We drove to Valdosta with Uncle Willet and Henry in Bamah & Papa's car.

Behold: THE LUGGAGE!  My goodness Uncle Willet!  Pack much?

The GA Family Reunion.


Uncle Rob being silly for the 2 year old photographer.

The girls staying busy outside while the old people do boring stuff, like talk.

Uncle Willet on making-sure-the-little-kids-don't-run-away duty outside.

That cray cray family member you just can't shake.  Take your pick.  :)

Willing participants.

Fun at the hotel pool later on.

Uncle Buddy, the human diving board.

We had such a unique experience at the Okefenokee the previous year, the Jacksonville Zoo was a welcomed change.

The Boyer zoo enjoying the Jacksonville zoo.

Can we say, tired?

After we left the zoo, we had the great idea to go eat at a really popular seafood restaurant called Singleton's.  It took a ride on the ferry to get across the water.

But, unfortunately, when we got there the wait was at least an hour.

We found a pizza joint inland to satisfy all tummies.

The next day was time to head home, so Uncle Willet rode with us again and we stopped by the Jacksonville Museum of Science and History.  MOSH.  We kinda figured Uncle Willet wouldn't mind.


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