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Thursday, September 10

Elbow Genetics

My mother came over today and took me up on the offer to stay for supper. While I was attempting to assemble something closely resembling a meal, she so patiently was playing with Katherine and Nathan. There are some things only a grandmother has patience for and today she used her jumbo-sized plastic pencil (attached to a string necklace around her neck) and "wrote" all over Katherine. She "wrote" on her feet, arms, head, face, legs, back, neck, everywhere. Now she wasn't really writing and the plastic pencil's tip was about as hard as an eraser, but Katherine loved it.

As I was chopping broccoli, my mom called from the office where they all were playing:
Mer: Mekelle, she has my elbows. (She's referring to Katherine's elbows)
Me: What? (as I scrunch up my eyebrows, squint my eyes and look to the side; perplexed)
Mer: My elbows. She has them.
Me: What makes an elbow look like one person's or another's?
Mer: Watch, she can do this...

She held out her arm in front of her with the bend of her elbow and palm facing up, then she twisted her wrist to face her palm down, while the bend of her arm stayed facing up.

Mer: Can you do that too?

Well of course I had to try, and I succeeded.

Mer: Is that something everybody can do?
Me: Who knows. I'm not familiar with elbow genetics.


My little lady has literally picked up on my language. Lovely. Some comments she's made lately:
"Oh great. Gracie is going toward the road. Lovely." - with a disgust-sound in her voice
"Mommy, it's such a lovely day outside."
"Mom, literally these shoes don't fit." - very matter-of-fact

She's picked up on the tone, definition and context ALREADY!


My little man took 53 un-assisted continuous steps by himself yesterday. Yes, I counted them all. This video was from another walking trip.

He's also shown a "frogs, snails and puppy dog tails" fascination with lizards (the next Kamikaze creature around our house). This baby lizard was on his own as far as I was concerned. It was cool just to see how close Nathan could get to touching him.

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