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Thursday, September 3

Best Mom

This little book was given to me and Katherine right after Nathan was born. I enjoy reading it for obvious reasons and it's actually very cute. It's a collection of sayings from kids ranging in age from 8 to 13, about their moms.

Some that were cute:
  • She says she drives extra careful when me and my brother are in the car because we are precious cargo.
  • When my mom gives me a sandwich she always makes the peanut butter go right to the edge with no bread showing because she knows that's the way I love it the most.
  • When we go out to eat if I don't like what I ordered she trades food with me. It's lucky she's my mom or I'd starve every time.

Some that are painfully honest and I can see one of my children saying one day:
  • I hope my mom could get her wish to be on Oprah, because she said she needs to express her feelings more. Maybe she could tell why she hates to cook.
  • When I'm on the computer and she wants to use it she says she'll only be a couple of minutes. But it's always more like about 3 hours.
  • When I'm a mother I won't sing along to songs on my daughter's radio when I don't know the right words in front of all her friends.

But then, some I hope my children will say one day:
  • When I get sick and have a fever, my mom washes my face with a cool cloth. And whenever I wake up, she's there.
  • She sings to me when I'm going to sleep the ones she used to sing when I was little. They make going to bed nice.
The one about singing the wrong words is especially funny because just two days ago she asked me to sing the theme song to Diego in the car. I did quite a bit of humming (with the mom head-jive and shoulder bob included) with a random incorrect word tossed in here and there and then realized I was well on my way to being an embarrassment in front of her friends if I tried that again in 5 years. She didn't understand why I was laughing so hard and my explanation did no where near the justice it needed for her to 'get it'. She half-laughed to humor me, I'm sure.

Speaking of Best Mom: I felt horrible yesterday. The back-to-school cold was brought home by Katherine, Nathan kept it going and I finally knocked it out of the park. When I woke up yesterday morning, I knew the day was going to be miserable, so I quickly tried to find a trustworthy college-aged girl (who might have a flexible schedule) to hire to watch kids who weren't sick, so I could rest up for a third night of taking care of 2 kids sans daddy. I tried 4 very reliable young ladies and their schedules were all booked. So, I pitifully called my mommy. She came to the rescue late that afternoon, gave up her supper and church plans, and took care of my babies so their heads wouldn't need to be re-attached late that night. What a mom!
  • Sometimes when I'm feeling sick, my mom gives up her plans, comes to my house, plays with my kids and just talks to me because she knows I need 'adult conversation'.
Thank-you so much mom.

1 comment:

  1. Wait til they say to their friends "I have a great KELLE story to tell you"!!



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