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Sunday, October 30

Full tummy

Solid foods are a hit in our house.  With everybody!

This particular feeding left the youngest Boyer feeling a little lethargic.

And some of the sleep fairy's sprinkle dust got in his eyes.

The feeding station was no match for the bowling balls weighing down his eyelids.

That's what oatmeal does to me too, Bubby.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

These pictures have nothing to do with oatmeal, solid foods, sleep or high chairs.  They're just great pictoral documentations of The LadyKiller Mohawk.

(I know he's going to want to strangle me one day)

Friday, October 28

Boy in Motion

It's no secret, boys love to move.

There's something about the way they're wired that causes their bodies to keep moving, crashing, hitting, knocking, kicking, climbing, crawling, running.

Nathan is no exception to the rule, he is the poster child for it.  And as I've said before, it's quite fun for me to tap into my inner growl and enjoy all the crashing every now and then.

This day was a day to test how far the SpiderMan Zoom-n-Go truck could travel.  From one end of the dining room, through it, the kitchen and pantry area is a good 30 feet.  Perfect locale to test the truck's abilities.


We forgot to take into account sub-par engineering standards because the blasted thing didn't roll straight.

It crashed.  That's all that mattered to him.

Remnants of a boy being in the area.  Crashed trucks and a chair precariously perched for falling over.

He didn't care one bit that the Zoom-n-Go didn't travel straight, like I did, he was more interested in it crashing into GraveDigger.

Duh, when will I ever get this straight?

Wednesday, October 26

Pumpkin Patch Pics

My how times have changed.

Here's our visit to the Pumpkin Patch in 2006, with our first born.

The Pumpkin Patch in 2007.  Notice there was thought in the choice of attire, great placement of child amidst pumpkins, great lighting.  Getting better at this.

Completely skipped the Pumpkin Patch in 2008 because we had a 1-week old.

Here's our visit to the Pumpkin Patch in 2009.  Again, well-planned out attire, descent lighting, fairly good picture.  I was happy we made it there in between naps with both children cheerful.

Completely skipped the Pumpkin Patch again, in 2010.  Don't know why.  Probably because I was newly pregnant and a moody mess with no patience to attempt getting a good picture.

Our visit to the Pumpkin Patch in 2011.  It was a spur of the moment, drive-by, decision.  Sister is at school.  Brandon is still in his pajamas.  There's a fabulous backdrop to admire.  Nathan is showing some kick butt big-brother skills, though.  Check him out holding up a 20-lb baby, and smiling so handsome at the same time.

I'm feeling like we might need to make another trip with ALL the children one evening.  We'll see how guilty I feel the next week or so.

Monday, October 24

Little Blessings

Brandon got baptized the day after Nathan's BDay party.

He wore the same outfit Nathan did when he got baptized, 2 1/2 years ago.

His hair got wet and within 5 minutes looked like this again.

That would be why he has the nicknames Mohawk Man, Spike or we affectionately refer to his LadyKiller Mohawk.  The hair runs in the family.  Brandon's sister, dad and Aunt N all had tall fuzzy hair.

Speaking of family, here we are with our good friend Mr. J standing with us in front of the congregation, getting ready to offer a prayer of support for us as parents of the fuzzy-haired child.

WARNING!!! - Border-line-sacrilegious funny: I'm pretty sure Brandon will be disgusted with me for standing in front of the ENTIRE church holding him this way.  Can we work on the thumb placement next time, mom?  I'm just saying.  I know what was going through my mind... "Suck in your stomach.  Don't make any ridiculous faces.  Don't let your face turn red.  I wish Katherine would look happy.  I'm so glad Brandon is a happy baby."

Saturday, October 22

Workin' Mans Hands

Those precious little hands, x3, are why his look the way they do.

He would work his whole body into the ground if it was what his family needed.

His hobby is his family.  Not hunting, fishing, hot rods or golf.

His personal dreams are humble.  Live debt-free.  Fix up his old Jeep truck.  Seek God's will.

His dreams for his family are stellar.  Provide great educations.  Love his children's mother.  Make unforgettable memories.

He sacrifices his own wants and needs for his family's, and doesn't mention it.  Ever.

His profession is a noble one.  The oldest one.  A physically and mentally taxing one.  Subject to Mother Nature's whims.

He's a hard worker.  A loyal husband.  A noble man.

An awesome husband, father, son, brother, uncle and role model.

I love you, Jim, and wouldn't trade you for the world.

(Not even the chocolate chip cookie capital of the world)

Friday, October 21

Proud Grandparents

These two fabulous grandparents waited so patiently for these tree-hangers.

They themselves chose to hold off on having children, and then their children chose to wait a while before having children.  So to them, I'm sure it felt like an eternity waiting around for grandchildren to come along.

Their friends were buried in grandkids and not once did they make sly, underhanded comments to their sons or daughters-in-law about how wonderful it would be to have grandkids.

They waited.


And Quietly.

Good things come to those who wait.

7 grandkids in 6.5 years

Good stuff, I'd say.

Thursday, October 20


It's official.

He's 3, I mean Free!

(Looking back at older posts, I noticed I keep mentioning "It's official" when referring to my children turning older.  Like in my mind it really hasn't happened, but according to the calendar, it really is happening.  The numbers are there to stamp it "official" for my in-denial brain.)

And so far it looks like he's trying to kick the "terrible"-wasn't-a-harsh-enough-adjective "2s" to the curb.

He's finally settled into being the "oldest" for a majority of the day.  And he's embracing it.  Awesome play time with mom.  Uninterrupted talk time about anything HE wants to talk about.  Talking sweet to his little brother.  Caressing his head ever so gently.  Bringing him the coveted Monster Trucks to play with (under one condition: "Doan put dem in your mouf, bay bruder").  Special trips to survey construction equipment, go to the playground or even pick out his own books at the library.

No more slamming doors when he first wakes up to yell, "WHERE'S DADA!"  He quietly comes inside our bedroom, carrying at least 3 blankies, and attempts scaling the bed with them in arm.  I kiss him on the forehead and say, "Good morning, big man"  and he replies, "G'mornin Mama."  Makes my heart melt just typing it.

He's turned into quite the Little Man.  He is fascinated with the concept of going to work, what you do at work, who goes to work, etc.  I'm still trying to convince him that girls and mommies go to work.  That one is usually met with a resounding, "No they don't!  That's silly!"  He will ask his daddy every day when he gets home from work, "Dad, what'd you dwive today?"  And Daddy will excitedly list off all the equipment he drove: front end loader, tractor, golf cart, pick up truck, forklift, combine, skid steer....  Something about this little guy is already geared to work and provide.

 Mr. Cutie Patootie got the ultimate birthday gift on his actual birth day because Daddy stayed home.  You see, Mohawk Man came down with a really bad cough the night of the 12th and within a couple of hours we knew it was not going to be a good night.  I read up on croup and was 90% sure that was what he had at 3am when he woke with a coughing fit that made it hard for him to breath and snap out of.  So, by 3:30, LadyKiller and myself were on our way to the emergency room.  The car ride was enough to calm him down so I felt kind of silly walking into the ER with a sleeping baby asking for the Dr. to look at him because he was having trouble breathing (through the snoring).  Thankfully our trip to the ER was remarkably short and we were home by 6am, just in time to sing Happy Birthday to Monster Man and Daddy decided to stay home to rest off the eventful night.  The ULTIMATE gift for a 3-year-old boy who adores his dad.

His mother, who thought she had outdone herself this time, about lost her eyes from rolling so far back in her head when it was time for Nathan to open his gift.  Nathan has been talking about SpiderMan for months.  He saw a 5 minute snippet of the movie and was enamored with him.  Jumping around like SpiderMan and shooting webs was quickly taking over Monster Truck activities.  So when I had him open his SpiderMan costume, which would conveniently cover Halloween also, I thought I had this one in the bag.

Not quite.

Nathan opened his gift, said "Oh", looked at both sides of the packaging and asked, "Where's my toys?"

Little stinker still hasn't put it on.  But SpiderGirl has visited a time or two.

Update: this was all the time he spent in the costume...

His birthday party was a success.

Some of his biggest fans showed up to celebrate with him. 

Looks like Daddy needed some help.

Some of us were wondering if the near dry-rotted rope might need some help also.


It managed.

Our front yard was separated into zones.  There was the unwrapping zone...

The unpacking zone...(this zone being manned by the one person I know of that despises tinkering with tiny, detailed, difficult to undo objects.  A funnies home video just waiting to happen.)

The observation zone...

 Please don't ask me what she's wearing.  I gave my mother a fit with my clothes in elementary school, so it's only fitting.  This was not a battle worth fighting.

And the Oh Yeah! zone.

CowPapa got him these real reading glasses and there's a story to go along with it.  Last week, Nathan found the cardboard with instructions on it for his GraveDigger truck we were jumping in the hallway.  He came up to me and said, "Mama, Wook, I found the map for my GwavesDigger.  Want me to wead it to you?"
"Why yes I do.  Will you please read me what the instructions say big guy?" I asked.
"OK Mama."  He squinted his eyes for a second and said, "Oh, I need to get my weading gwasses."

So he walked into the playroom, got the sunglasses out of a bin, brought them back and put them on the tip of his nose.  He tilted his head back, looked through the glasses perched on the tip of his nose and started "reading" the instructions for how to operate the truck.

Neither Jim nor I wear reading glasses, so go figure, he's picked up on that from the little bit we're around people who do.

Nathan and Henry got into the MINE showdown.  Henry was attempting to hone in on Nathan's new tractor and he would have nothing to do with the sorts.

 And don't worry my dear Nephew, M, two years ago you declared "Uncle Jim, you guys don't have ANY fun toys here at all" and I got this beautiful picture of you in the pink Barbie jeep.  Sweet.

And whaddayaknow I got another one from this year. :)

Be careful kid, I am the keeper of the photos and I take my job VERY seriously.  You will be old enough one day to be morbidly embarrassed of me.

The Motley Crew.

The weather was beautiful (not like his party 2 years ago, when it was sweltering hot) and we enjoyed another day of celebrating our little man's life.

Happy third birthday, Nathan.  You bring us much joy and laughter.  We can always count on you to surprise us with something that makes us laugh.  I love you so much and look forward to many more birthdays watching you grow.


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