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Sunday, September 6

Priceless memories & frogs

"Mommy, I'm ready to go to church" she said. I just had to get a picture.

plastic blue Cinderella shoes - $1
Mommy-made princess skirt - $20
cute plaid butterfly shirt - $15
pink bead necklace - party favor from BDay party yesterday
Cinderella wedding veil - $12
Disney Princess backpack - gift from grandparents
Watching my daughter's fashion expertise mature - Priceless

Things I'm going to miss when my little ones grow up:
  • Carrying my still-sleeping little girl to the potty at least once in the middle of the night, gazing at her petite face in the warm soft glow of the bathroom night light and carrying her to put her back in bed, totally oblivious of her nightly escapade.
  • Having to very quietly tip-toe across the carpet to turn off little man's ocean sounds so as not to stir his wake-at-any-minute-sound self; and also lying my hand on his chest to feel him breathing.
With all the rain here lately, we have a new adventurous animal that has invaded our side door at night: Kamikaze Frogs

One night last week, Jim got home late and as I was opening the side door to let him in, he unusually and quickly jumped back outside. At that moment, a frog about the size of the palm of my hand jumped off the outside of the door, into our house, straight toward my head (but over it) and landed on the wall directly behind me. Oh, approximately a 7 foot jump. I immediately did the ridiculously delayed scream and jumped, which frightened the frog perched on our wall and caused him to jump again, this time whizzing by my face. I screamed and jumped again, but the frog was safely hidden somewhere in our desk area. Needless to say, Jim thought this was HILARIOUS! It's not often I bring him to tears of laughter, but this was certainly one for the record books. He was laughing so hard, he said he was unable to find the frog and get it out. (Whatever, I think if he didn't have a wife that was so stubborn and intent on proving to the world that she's not a typical girly-girl, he'd find a way to rescue his helpless family from ferocious flying frogs, 5" black snakes on the back porch or an occaisional stray lizard in the house). So my brave and determined self calmly got a cup, trapped the frog, slid a piece of paper under the opening of the cup and released our Kamikaze visitor back into the wild of our camellia bushes.

That wasn't the end of it though. More rain and three nights later, Kamikaze frog's younger and smaller brother proceeded to jump from the outside of the door again, when I was letting Gracie outside to relieve herself, and this time the brave little amphibian landed in my hair. A crazy, possessed, stomping, head-flailing dance ensued until the frog was catapulted from my trying-to-hie-the-grey locks. After catching my breath while keeping an eye on the intruder, I again calmly trapped and released him outside in the bushes.

AND, the younger sister frog must live in our mailbox. She occasionally will land and latch on to my hand while I'm reaching in to pull out the mail. I jerk it out usually scraping or hitting some part of my appendage and do my best to watch my language because a little person is usually around.

I'm looking forward to it getting cooler. Don't they hibernate or something?

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