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Thursday, October 8

The cruds, Columbia, coupons and cleaning

It's been a while, where do I begin...

Since the last post, Nathan was feeling yucky. Monday's Dr. appt. yielded no ear infection, but by Friday it was official. Start the meds, get him feeling better 'cause daddy is supposed to watch the kiddos all weekend for my girly-girl weekend (because I don't want to leave nor will I have a good time if my baby is sick). Thank goodness, he was feeling better before I left.I remember when Katherine was 6-10 months old. At one point she had 7 ear infections in a period of 4 months. She was on antibiotics for 70 out of 120 days. It broke my heart. I'm so thankful he hasn't been anywhere near as sick as her. This is only his 2nd.

Good new was I did get to attend my annual Girly-Girl weekend guilt-free. This year we went to St. Pete Beach. It was very relaxing. Saturday, I think we laid on the beach for about 3 hours, sometimes throwing in a conversation or two. It was a struggle to make myself be still. I'm so used to trying to rush to get things 'done', but I managed to force myself.

We've started a tradition of eating at The Columbia for our girly-girl weekends and thankfully we didn't stop this year. The Columbia in St. Pete is bee-yu-ti-ful! The outside makes you wonder if you're at the right place, but 4 floors up the restaurant is surrounded by glass windows looking out over the pier, harbor and inlet. They must have set us at the best table in the joint because the moon was just starting to rise and its reflection glimmered on the water. And to top it off, at just the right height in the sky, the moon coupled with its reflection, was joined by a sailboat lazily carving a path through the black and silver ripples of the sea. The pictures I tried to take on C's camera didn't do it justice. This weekend provided me much needed forced rest and 4 hours of uninterrupted drive-time to think. My time away always makes me miss my family therefore I was soooo happy to see them when I returned on Sunday. And the feelings were reciprocated.

Monday we started cleaning up the yard, trying to prepare for someone's birthday party coming up. Katherine enjoys helping me pick up the wretched Magnolia tree seed pods that can cause a mean twisted ankle.These things are as big as my fist and EVERYWHERE.
Nathan even likes to join in on the fun of picking up sticks.

I went to a Coupon workshop Monday night. Don't think I'll be able to take it to the extreme T does, but I did learn this:
  • Manufacturer's coupons can be coupled with store coupons
  • Publix takes other store's coupons
  • At Publix, you can use the manufacturer's and store's coupons on top of a Buy One Get One (BOGO) promotion (which is where some people actually make money)
  • Cut coupons in doubles, for the BOGO deals. It is possible to walk out of there getting 4 of something and only paying for one or a portion of one.
I just don't think I'm that interested in having 4 bags of Chex mix in my pantry. I'll then feel compelled to eat them before they go bad.

Tuesday, we got some much needed haircuts. This is Nathan's second and he did awesome and Katherine sat there like a mannequin.

To wrap this up, I took a look at one of Katherine's school papers before I dropped her off this morning. It was a sheet her teacher filled out after she asked all the kids how they show their families they love them, then made a copy and gave one to all the students. Her response has me wondering whether or not I should be proud or ashamed. She said she shows her family that she loves them by: helping to clean the house. The other responses were hugs, kisses, take care of baby and read a book.

Should I be ashamed that she feels obligated to 'clean the house to keep mom happy' because that's what I put emphasis on? Jim and I have had many discussions about how I don't make enough time to do house stuff because of my strong desires to spend time with our children and enjoy them while they're little. Just yesterday I put away 12 loads of laundry. Yes, its been that long. And many times sections of the house are so disgusting they should be condemned.

Or, should I be proud that her definition of showing love is larger than just hugs and kisses or that she even may find it fun to help me clean. Go ahead, laugh. She might, just might, like cleaning. I used to beg my mom to clean my brother's room. It was always a disaster. I'd move all the toys around, vacuum, rearrange the furniture, all while irritating my allergies so much I'd be hopped up on Contac and sleeping for the next 4-6 hours. Just the other night Katherine was begging me to help scrub the tub.

I'm going with being proud of her for many different reasons.

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