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Saturday, June 13

A beer commercial day

I know that most mothers go through the old Michelob beer commercial's slogan, "Some days are better than others," and the last couple of days fit that slogan for me. I was just thankful to make it to naptime. Maybe I should drink one also.

My precious little lady has REALLY been stretching the mommy limits when it comes to how serious she thinks I am when I tell her to do or not do something. Last night, after repeated threats for weeks prior, I caught her using both hands to "clear" off the bookshelf in her room. I caught her when about 2/3 of the top shelf was completed and in a moment of not thinking I yelled, "What the hell are you doing?" Not good. I know I am a broken person. I'm sure that one will come back later on. She received her well thought-out and calmly implemented punishment and soon there was crying, wailing, slobbery/snotty bubbles, drama, etc. She pulled out the full arsenal. One of those moments when you question whether or not the punishment was worth it. (We've been at this for 2 weeks now, yes it was worth it). But what shocked me was 15 minutes later, I walked back through the hall and noticed that she had completed her original goal. More perplexed than mad, I calmly explained to her that she was disobeying and there would be another punishment after she finished getting ready for bed. Well, bed-time ritual completed and 15 minutes later she looked mortified that I had remembered the punishment. The drama continued. Again, the well thought-out, calmly implemented punishment ensued and an age appropriate discussion followed with lots of love and hugs and kisses.

I know this is "normal" activity and I'm beginning to start the list of "Mommy's Rite of Passage":
  1. lack of sleep
  2. feelings of guilt (after noticing a tooth has come in, questioning punishments and weighing battles, cleaning vs. playing, who to attend to first)
  3. potty training
  4. leaving child with babysitter
So far, I laugh when I hear terrible twos because they were a piece of cake with Katherine. Her will and opinion has entered the scene now and the threes look like they're going to be much more difficult.

She heard me say today, "No, Nathan. You can't put on lip gloss because you're not old enough." One of those that sounds perfectly appropriate in context but absolutely ridiculous right after you say it. I'm sure he won't be able to do lots now because he's not old enough. I'll get back with you on that.

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