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Thursday, June 4

Bananas and Attitude

Ahhh, Thursday. One day closer to the weekend. Which in my case means absolutely nothing because my husband is writing his thesis. I guess it does mean I might get to help him write and/or format also. Please pray for his continued momentum and his attitude to remain positive. Mine too, I guess.

As much as I don't like to admit it, my husband is probably right about this one thing: Nathan does not do well if I take him anywhere during his normal nap times. Which means I'm confined to the house between 9-11 and 1-4 because he likes his bed or a quiet, moving car. How's that for feeling entrapped. I know that it's just a season, but it still stinks. Katherine used to stay asleep in the car seat after I'd put her in the shopping cart and push her around for an hour. On the brighter side, he is eating solid foods much better, though. He doesn't make the face that resembles swallowing poison/how-could-you-do-this-to-me-mom when I give him a minute piece of an over-ripe, mushy banana.

Katherine has taken a serious interest in reading books lately. She will choose to do that (with my help) over riding her tricycle, playing in the kiddie pool, coloring, and most of her other favorites. TV still trumps though. I didn't grow up enjoying to read so I'm trying to keep it fun for her. Her little sense of humor is also starting to really develop. Today, while eating breakfast, she said, "Mommy, after I eat this, I'll eat this, then this, then this, then.....I'm gonna eat.....the CHAIR!" Belly laughs then followed and most of the other furniture items in the dining room were included. I've also got a glimpse into the pre-teen years, I think. She has figured out how to answer me almost valley-girl-ish, which for me means including the word, "uh" before every answer or comment, severe inflection for each word and each word pronounced definitively. Does that make sense? I guess the easier way to describe it would be to say that it has ATTITUDE. Hello! She's 3! Not 13! And it's not just me that gets it, it's brother, the dog, the cat, the lizards running across the sidewalk, the trash truck driver-man, other cars on the road, "Uh, mommy. Why don't you beep beep at them and tell them to move over?" She hasn't started school yet and hangs out with kids mostly younger than her. She must have heard her father talk like that.

This picture is old but shows how sweet and innocent she can look and be. I've been taking pictures with a disposable camera since Easter and have put my 5-year-long dream of buying an SLR on hold. Having something is better than nothing right now so bring on the point and shoot. God knows the desire of my heart and when the timing is right, it will happen.

And one more thing. This blog-thing I've started may seem a little personal at times and there's a reason for that. I've been suffering from a slight case of mommy-guilt for not taking more pictures, journaling, etc. for my two adorable children and this is my answer. I type much better and faster than I write and it forces me to download pictures more often than once a year. It is my goal to print these posts out and put them in a book for my children to look at later, when they're interested. So please, be discreet with who you forward this website to. I certainly will be.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a familiar chord it struck when you talked about tiptoeing into the room at naptime and hitting the floor to hide :) I remember doing that!! It has about a 50% success rate, but always worth a good laugh!



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