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Friday, April 15

Sweet Rotundness

I remember being pregnant the first time. I subscribed to numerous websites that kept me updated daily on how big the baby was and what my body was going through and soon to go through. I sat in front of a computer quite a bit, so I got to fully experience and be aware of multiple bathroom breaks, hours of conversations revolving around being a mom soon, a sedentary life coupled with eating anything and everything I wanted, which, no surprise, led to weight gain, swelling and stinky feet.

Every little movement was noticed, every new physical and emotional feeling was discussed and every bulge was noted and embraced with pride.

Fast forward 5 years, two healthy and active kids running around, and a third pregnancy. I'll admit, it's been harder just finding the time to remember that I am pregnant.

My diet, on an average day, consists of left over peanut butter and jelly sandwich crust. My sleep usually plays second fiddle to whoever or whatever is pressing for that night. My activity level is so frequent that when the Dr. asks me to recall if there have been 10 baby movements within any 2-hr. stretch of time per day, I look at him and ask, "I know this baby is moving, but you're asking me to count it now?"

I couldn't tell you what baby parts developed at what week, how big the baby is now or even what his name will be.

Awful. Just awful.

There is no way around it though, really. This would be the reason why so many people have bought into the idea of birth order's significance. I certainly have.

There is good news in all of this...

It took 3 pregnancies to finally figure out the difference between a kick and a contraction. :)
It took 3 pregnancies to not obsess on the health of our baby. God is in control.
It took 3 pregnancies to realize my sweet rotundness and the benefits of...

thicker hair (coming from a fine, thin-haired person, this is a big deal)...

My belly over-powering my 'junk in the trunk'...

And the belly popper to signify this baby has cooked long enough, that's been popped for months now.

Each pregnancy has had it's ups and downs, and it makes me sad I haven't had the opportunity to really relish in this last one. The last time my body will ever go through the miraculous transformation of growing another life. The last time I'll feel the stretches, kicks, twists and turns of another precious gift I have yet to meet. The last time I'll wonder what his little face will look like or what his personality will be.

So my plan is to embrace these last few weeks, as much as I can. Sure, it is much more uncomfortable this time around and harder because of the level of activity that is demanded of me now. I plan to embrace the strong thick fingernails, the wedding band not fitting without hand lotion applied first, the mandatory pedicures because I can't reach my feet, people rubbing my tummy and me reminding my little ones about what it will be like when this baby comes and that they'll always be important and loved, no matter what.

Only 3 1/2 weeks to go until due date. Let the final stages of embracing begin.

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