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Thursday, December 6

Halloween 2013

I was so glad to make it this year because last year I was sick.

Nevertheless, Super Dad jumped in and managed to get the older two there with costumes intact and a dump truck load of candy came home.  (this is where my taste buds earnestly scream with excitement and my hiney sarcastically says woo-hoo!)

I love doing this photo collage to see the progression in their costumes, sizes and sweet little faces.

The festivities began once we arrived

Katherine wanted to dress up like Cleopatra.  She told me a week after Halloween it was actually someone else she wanted to look like.  Oh well.  She's barely recognizable with that black wig on.

At home, while getting everyone dressed, Brandon was stopped in his tracks when she turned the corner in the hallway and they came face to face.  He just stood there staring.  She just stood there smiling and I finally said, "say something Katherine."  She bent over, gently held his hands and sweetly said, "Hey big man."  He smiled and said, "Thissy?"

It was Adorabs!

Nathan chose to dress up like the current boob-tube idol in his life, Indiana Jones.

Again, Adorbs!

This is where Jim likes to pipe in and give his two cents: hand-me-downs.  Yes, Nathan wore this last year.  Yes, Brandon gets his hand-me-downs.  No, Brandon doesn't understand what's going on.  No, I do not feel bad.  There will be a day, coming soon I might add, that Brandon will be old enough to tell me he doesn't want hand-me-downs and he wants me to quit calling him fuzzy wuzzy.  Until then, I'm taking advantage of his communication deficit.

He felt so big and important in this costume, though.  The mask didn't make it that long.  He kept pulling it back where the strips would cover his eyes.  It was Adorbs!

  Ruby dressed up as Hermoine.

Henry, the Karate Kid, and Spiderman, I mean Brandon, filling their stash.

Bamah helping them fill their stashes.

Looks like he's got the hang of it.

Barry dressed up like a scare crow and actually had a broomstick handle holding his hands up.  Neat idea, I thought.  Until my husband, the resident 200-something pound 14-year-old who has managed to successfully father 3 children, mentioned to him that it would be really bad if someone kneed him in the groin.  He laughed, but I'm pretty sure the seeds of doubt had already been planted.

It wasn't much later I saw Barry walking around without the handle.

Nathan and Jonah enjoying a spider that periodically dropped from the trunk door and played scary music.

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