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Saturday, June 9

Spring Break

Don't laugh, yes I'm a little behind on the blogging.

Our Spring Break started out truly spectacular.  Katherine got the Friday off before the week-long break.  My dad, CowPapa, just happened to call that Friday morning asking about stopping by.  Well, it had been on my mind for a while to nail down a weekday when Katherine was out of school but public schools in the area were still in session and I had a helper.  I wanted to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese, but without all the crowds, and braving it on my own made it unappealing.  I've been there before on a Sunday afternoon and I'm pretty sure I'd rather lick the Wal-Mart shopping cart handles instead of braving that chaos again.

But low and behold, CowPapa was ready to spend time with all 3 kiddos (he misses seeing Katherine a lot because he usually stops by when she's in school), AND he was willing to brave a potentially crowded Chuck E. Cheese.

Our blessing was that we had a GRRREEEAAAT time!  I think there were maybe 15 people in there for an hour and a half.  Can I hear an Amen sister?

The kids had fun hopping from one bright and shiny entertainment box to another.

Side note: the food there isn't bad either.  I'm just sayin'.

So Friday kicked off our Spectacular Spring Break Extravaganza!!!  That's what I felt like anyway.  I had all these grandiose plans of ALL the fun things we'd accomplish that week.  I miss her being gone all day, so I was really looking forward to spending lots of time with her.

Oh little did I know.

Friday night we continued the Spectacular Spring Break Extravaganza with a camping party in Nathan's room.  Each kid got out their tent and we set them up in his room.

Do you remember how fun it was to sleep somewhere different, even if it was in your own house?  I do.  I just love that they thought camping in Nathan's bedroom was the funnest thing EV-ER.

It did take them a while to get to sleep, but I'm sure them sleeping together in the same tent had a little something to do with that.

 They even opted to eat their snack near the tents.

 Can anybody spot the photogenic differences between the two?

Mr. 'I could care less'
Miss 'Always make the effort'
 They had so much fun goofing off and just being silly, it was hard to impose any type of curfew.  Although, 10pm was starting to push it for this tired mom.  Something finally worked and they feel asleep in each other's arms.  Sniff, sniff.  I just love my babies.


We were off to such a Spectacular Spring Break Extravaganza!  YES!

I forgot what we did Saturday, probably spent some much-needed time with Daddy.

Sunday was church and the usual.

And then it started.  The never-ending reign of sickness-terror our house endured.

It started with me on Monday, then spread to Brandon, then quickly to Katherine and Nathan and then we loved spending soooo much time with each other we just kept sharing cooties and germs and who knows what else until we painfully endured, although not very gracefully, 3 weeks of putrid, disgusting and frustrating sicknesses.  It was a marvelous concoction of throwing up coupled with it's equally undesirable hind-end companion, double ear infections, fevers, body aches, and a little known (to us) yet very common - adenovirus.  We had about 4-5 days of breaks in between all that 3-weeks of yuck, thinking each time maybe it was all over.  But it wasn't.  We endured 3 full weeks of it and poor Jim somehow managed to avoid it all.

Mr. leave-the-Gatorade-by-the-front-door opted to still come home to all us sickos Every. Single. Night.  What a sport.

So that was the ending to our Spectacular Spring Break Extravaganza.  Thank goodness we crammed lots of fun stuff in the first couple of days.

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