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Sunday, June 3

Easter 2012

This year, I won't sugar-coat it, Easter was very disappointing.  It was not the joyous Christian celebration I was looking forward to.  We were slap in the middle of our 3-week-long sickness marathon and it was the 2nd year in a row someone was sick and we couldn't attend church as a family.  It truly was a struggle for me because what mother doesn't want her family together on Easter?  Last year I could somewhat stomach it, but 2 years in a row was really wearing me thin.

I was upset.  Sad.  Bummed.  Frustrated.  Angry at that stupid old devil that was robbing me of my deserving and well-intended joy.

And on top of all that, that was 2 years in a row I didn't get Easter pictures.  That's just not right.

But as usual, God brought it all right back to square one and gently reminded me of His sovereignty.

Days after Easter, I found our children playing nicely on the back porch.  Katherine had asked me for a bowl earlier, but since they would be "outside" I didn't pry too much.  I just let them be.  And what a blessing I received for letting them just be.

Unbeknownst to me, Katherine had been learning about foot washing in school.  God bless her teacher for teaching the children about it, because it never would have crossed my mind to take the time to do such.

I remember walking by the back door, something catching my eye, stopping to look and almost losing my breath.  Brandon was safely in his high chair, so I grabbed the camera and while snapping away, I had to periodically wipe the tears welling up in my eyes so I could take pictures.

My babies, my precious babies, were washing each other's feet.  Gently, caring for each other, with love.

It was then that I realized even though my desires were pure and good for us all to attend church together as a family, my trust was not in knowing that God would still find a way to teach my children about His love.

Wow, how humbling.

I did my best to snap pictures, wipe a tear, snap more pictures, try to calm Brandon who was getting upset that his mother had seemingly abandoned him in his high chair, and just   e n j o y    the hand of God working right in front of me.

Thankfully they never noticed me hiding behind the door.

I did manage to still pull out my stubborn picture-loving self one Sunday months later and take pictures of them dressed in the same clothes they wore/were going to wear Easter Sunday.  It was nowhere near the innocent, beautiful, candid, meaningful shots I got of them washing each other's feet, but it certainly was a terrific reminder of how my earthly desires are not always the best.

Hi, I'd like you to meet my children, Miss Photogenic, Mr. I've-inherited-my-father's-love-of-pictures and Mr. can-we-say-naptime.


After the kids came inside from washing each other's feet, I had the chance and about 1 minute to talk about what foot washing meant and servant-hood.  They were nowhere as interested in what I had to say, but I have chosen to trust that God had them hear/learn exactly what He wanted them to.

Thank you, Lord, for choosing to gently reveal your perfect ways, just when I need tiny reminders of your sovereignty.

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