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Tuesday, August 25

Mommy's first day of school

Well today was the day. It was Katherine's first day of school. I know, I know, it's only 2 half days a week, but it was a big deal for me. She did better than me, I'm sure. There was a little hesitancy when it was time to let go of my finger and walk into the room by herself, but she choked back the fear and near-tears and walked in there like a big girl.

(Showing off the shirt that twirls. Coincidence? I think not.)

I, on the other hand, had to stop at McDonald's to get some warm water for Nathan's bottle and while I was feeding him the emotions overcame me. Feelings of joy that she's got the opportunity to attend such an awesome school, that she was excited weeks before today, that daddy got to be there for her first day and that her cousins attend there also. Reminiscing: remembering the day she was born, the first day of day care and I went back to work, her first steps, her wanting to stay the night with us in the hospital when Nathan was born, her smell as a baby and holding her to feed her a bottle.


I was proud that she was so brave; she is my little shy girl. I was confident and secure that she was in excellent hands. I was happy it was only 3 hours. I was thankful that God has blessed us with such a beautiful little girl who has exceeded anything I could have ever imagined and for the opportunity to be home with her more these past 2 years. I was flooded with visions of first boyfriends, graduating high school and walking down the aisle.

(Trying to show everyone how strong she is, I think)

What an awesome opportunity for me and Nathan to have some time together also. My little man finished his bottle and thought it would be best to play with the steering wheel. He was a trooper today. I'm pretty sure he could tell something was different, though. Either that, or God blessed me by laying his hand of calmness and contentness on Nathan.

I had 3 close friends/family members wish me luck directly or call to check up on me, mostly. And I believe I can speak for most parents when I say that first-school-day-anxiety isn't completly wrapped up in wondering how she's going to do, if she'll make friends, if the teachers are nice to her or whether or not she finds 'her' way. My anxiety was attached to the emotions of what has been and what will be. So many extraordinary events have happened in such a short amount of time, it can be overwhelming to process them much less attempt thinking of the future. Three and a half years have flown by. It's so cliche, but true.

When I came to pick her up, she looked happy and excitedly said, "Hey Mommy! I had fun! I want to come back again." Well, that does it! We're going back.

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