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Thursday, August 20

Girly dialogue

I was preparing supper tonight and saw Katherine walking around with one of our old cell phones (we weren't using it anymore so we gave to her). She was holding baby Alive with both hands and the cell phone was propped between her ear and shoulder. Her dialogue was interesting:
"Hey, Kim. Hey, Kim. How are you doing?
I'm good, I'm good.
Hey Kim. Oh, hold on, I have a little one crying. Hold on. Let me check on he. Hold on. Hold on."

Found out later on that she was scheduling a haircut for baby Alive with Kim, the lady who really has cut Katherine's and Nathan's hair this summer. Her babies do a lot of things similar to Nathan. They fall asleep in the car, 'just like he', when they get sleepy. They bounce up and down when they're dancing to music, 'just like he'. They take naps, 'just like he' and she makes bottles to feed them, 'just like he', before their naps. They get squirmy when she's changing their diaper, 'just like he'. They crawl fast away from her, 'just like he' and her baby 'puts everything in she's mouth, just like brother, Mommy'.

I find it so interesting that she's modeling my behavior so much. We had one of our boy cousins ("A") come over today and play for a couple hours. I didn't really think Katherine was a big talker until he was here. She turned into a serious chatterbox that went on and on and on. He behaved like a 'typical man' (and I don't mean that to be derogatory) and didn't say hardly anything. She would repeat a question about ten times, he would ignore it and she'd finally move on to another question/comment. He calmly played in his own little world while she followed him around trying to tell him how she wanted to play. 'Would you be my prince?' (repeated 10 times), no response. 'Do you want to dance?' (repeated 10 times), no response. 'Do you want to read some books with me?' (repeated 10 times), no response. And when she'd finally say something he was interested in, he'd respond quickly, clearly and act on it. I really love watching these two interact because they're the same age difference as me and one of my boy cousins (A's uncle). From what I hear, Katherine and A are little replicas of us two (for now at least).

Things don't change much in 30 years between boys and girls, either. The questions just get more "important" and the silence is usually coupled with a TV remote in hand.

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