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Wednesday, July 4

Disney 2012 - Part 2

We had 2 more days left on our Disney passes, so here it is.

BEWARE: Picture overload!  Potential sleep-inducing amount of pictures of someone else's boring vacation to follow.

It is my mission in life to provide our children with insane amounts of pictures to document their vacations.  You see, my husband is convinced he never went to the Magic Kingdom as a child, even though every other member in his family remembers going.  Because he doesn't have picture proof, he refuses to believe everyone else when they say that he actually went as a young child.  His reasoning:  I don't remember and there's no pictures, so it must not have happened.

I will be tempted to pinch my children's head's off if they try to pull that stuff with me.  In preparation of that day, because they are of his flesh, behold the crazy amount of pictures documenting our trip to Disney...

Day One! - Downtown Disney

Our trip to The Rainforest Cafe the evening we arrived in Orlando.

The train ride located in Downtown Disney that is ridiculously priced, but strategically placed for children to notice it and beg, plead and whine until parents give in and fork out the dough for a 2 minute ride.

After this was when I told them to act like they were having fun.

Day Two! - Magic Kingdom

The next morning.  Can we say Tourista! Tourista!

Did you ever grow up hearing the story of the child that was abducted at Disney and saved because of her shoes?  Well, it's hideous and I have no idea if it's true or not, but we take pictures of our kids before we head out, just so we have documentation of their clothes.

Buzz Lightyear was a hit and the FastPass program was an even bigger hit.

You wouldn't believe who we saw at Disney, Danica Patrick!  The most famous woman Indy Car racer in history.

Oh wait, that was just me.  Sometimes my children think I'm Danica.  I'll take that as a compliment.



This was a funny adventure.  It's a Small World had no line and at the last minute I decided it was a fabulous place to get our one and only family photo at Disney.  So in true Kelle fashion, I stopped the people behind us, luckily family-looking people, and asked the father to take our picture.  He obliged and did, um, ok, (wish Brandon was looking at the camera) and we teased him about being a Georgia Bulldog fan and he teased us about not taking our picture if he would have known we were Gators.  It just happened to work out.

 This was on the Small World ride and is a perfect example of how Disney uses common household items to create magic.  From afar, this looks like rain.  Up close, it's similar to tinsel.  Genius.

Nathan insisted on getting a picture of himself with the alligator from Peter Pan's ride.

Day Three! - Hollywood Studios

Some sweet brotherly love.  Looks like Brandon is starting to hold his own.

Trolley ride to a "movie set".  Viewing the scenery.

Enjoying a fake rain scene.


A tide of water coming our way.

Looks like it's going to overtake the trolley.

Love these two holding on to each other.

His new favorite super villain.

The White Witch from Narnia.

Our family's two Oscar contenders.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground.  One of their favorite stops.

I'm pretty sure I found what I'm going to eat for breakfast. Maybe lunch too.

Mom & Bran Bran in the spider's web.

Indiana Jones Stunt Show.

An explosion!

My little Star Wars fans.

Day Four! - Going Home

A quick dip in the hot tub.

This is what happens when Daddy's in charge of naptime and the pack-n-play is already packed up.

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