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Monday, July 9

Brandon's first birthday

I'm still only 2 months behind in blogging, so here goes writing about Brandon's birthday that was back in May...

As much as I hate to admit it, having 3 children does make you choose the 'easier' option many times. When the world revolved around the one and only child, it was a piece of cake to drop everything, plan a birthday party for months, make handmade invitations, invite the closest 100 family members and throw a jamming first birthday party the child will never remember.  I knew in my heart it was all for me, but I didn't care.  My world did revolve around that first child and celebrating her first birthday was top priority.

Enter in 2 children later and, dare I say, maybe, I'm wiser?  Or maybe I'm just more tired and worn down.  There really is very little time to plan, prepare and decorate.  Oh yeah, and don't forget, less money. :)

Nevertheless, this child is loved and adored just as much.  I must work through Mommy guilt issues when I come to the realization that no matter how much we try not to, we do treat each child differently.

So enough of the serious-shmerious talk.  This dude is rocking.  During these pictures, he hadn't quite started walking yet, but he is now (and now is July).  He is EVERYWHERE.  He doesn't stop.  He's just so happy to be up and mobile, he goes anywhere and everywhere his little chubby legs will take him.

The toilet is a favorite place of his.  We do our best to keep the bathroom doors closed, but occasionally, we miss it and he goes fishing.  Empty, full, doesn't matter.

He enjoys wrestling with his brother.  Every now and then, I'll find Nathan carefully wrestling with his little brother on the carpet, and Brandon is in heaven.

He's showing sure-tell signs of being a rough and tough boy.  There's hardly a time when his little forehead doesn't have a bruise or scratch on it.  He growls often.  When he's hurt, only me or Katherine will do, but playtime is mostly reserved for brother or Daddy.

Here in July, he has started signing 'I love you' and 'milk.'  He's saying Na Na for Nathan and Dis for Sissy and talking in a high pitched voice when George the cat comes around.

He's much busier in restaurants now and has successfully sworn me off of nice restaurants with him for another 2-3 months or so.  Olive Garden has our family's mugshot at the waitress station to warn of another impending visit.

He will eat pretty much anything you put in front of him, thankfully.  I've had practice with another boy, so I'm better about feeding him more often during the day.  Seems to help with his attitude a bit.

He's very clingy now when I try to drop him off in the nursery.  Thankfully I've done this 2 other times so it doesn't make me tear up as much.  I've figured out to stand outside of view and just listen.  He does just fine within 2-3 minutes and I peacefully walk away.

He is a jolly little fella.  His infant 'theme song' was:

I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right, happy all the time.
I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right, happy all the time.
Since Jesus Christ came in, and took away my sin.
I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right, happy all the time.

It still is.  He's a laid-back, easy-going guy.

He is a wonderful addition to our little family.  Just can't imagine life with him.

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