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Sunday, July 11

4th of July memories

As I was downloading and editing these pictures, all I could do was think of how many fond memories I pray we are creating for our little ones. These are such precious times and it may still be early for them to remember, but I'll never forget the mental images I've created of these get-togethers and the warm emotions they evoke.
At one point, these kids were surrounded by mommies, aunts and grandmothers swarming to take their pictures. It was too precious to pass up and they all handled it like paparazzi-stalked pros.
Bamah & Papa have done an excellent job of providing a kid-friendly, safe and roomy environment for these little ones to run, play and have fun. You know, makin-memories stuff.
We decided not to brave the lake this year and made a mini-water park in the back yard.
And what would the 4th be like without homemade ice-cream? Daddy and little man had some serious cupcake and ice cream bonding time.
The afternoon started to wind down with some good old fashion metal trucks and searching for snails fun.

1 comment:

  1. Kelle, your pictures are awesome! They make me kick myself for not taking my camera even out of the case last week when we were on vacation. Why? Why? Why?

    I came across your post you left me back in May and felt so sorry that I hadn't written you back sooner. What is wrong with me? I'm losing it, I know.

    I am so glad you enjoy Stretch Marks and hope you don't abandon ship just because I am being extrememly lazy right now and hardly writing at all. I'll get back in form sooner or later.

    In the mean time, I wish we could meet, too! With these four little nutjobbers between us I'm sure we'd have much to talk about and I could pick your brain for days on end.

    Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day, mama.

    Melissa at Stretch Marks



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