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Friday, April 2

Confidence - part deux

Now, if you would have told me before this little guy was born, that he would be doing certain "boy" things or showing certain tendencies at such a young age, I would have written you off as "delusional" or "imagining things". So, as fun as this may be for you mother, I stand here humbly and admit, there are certain things that are just built into little boys that no one can teach them. God made them to operate differently, with a purpose and it was and still is all part of His ultimate plan.

This little guy already has a swagger.

Yes, a swagger.

How do I write out what is vaguely hard to notice visually? When he walks, there is already a confidence that surrounds him. Something about his shoulders being off-balance, the way his hips barely move, and the shuffle of his feet. He's already oozing confidence!

What! He didn't get that from me. I know exactly who he got that from and I will confidently point the finger at his father. There's a story or two to go along with that, so here goes:

When Jim and I were in two classes together at the University, for one of them he sat in front of me. He didn't have much to do with me, and I the same for him. We both chatted with other people mostly, except when it came time to get our test results in. I remind you, I don't know the guy sitting in front of me and I barely talk to him except for maybe a clarification on homework, a test date, or whatever.

But, every time test scores would come in he felt the need to turn around and ask me what score I got on my test. I'd reply, mostly out of confusion that the stranger in front of me was all of a sudden interested in what my score was, and say, "Oh, an 85." And that was it. No more. I didn't care what he got on his, and frankly in that class, I was happy to get an 85.

He'd say, "Oh, I got a 94", give the ever-so-slight smirk and turn around.

I remember looking at the friends sitting next to me, scrunching up my eyes and mouth the words to them so he couldn't hear, "Who is that?" with the ultimate eye-roll to top it off.

The next semester, fate had it that we would have 4 classes together. Well, you're bound to get to know someone a little better if you have 4 classes together so we started talking more. I remember us starting out with small talk and the first or second question lead us to realize we were both born and raised in the same town. Oh cool, we're bound to know some of the same people.

He started out naming off family members like they were as famous as the Kennedy's and I quickly pointed out that I knew none of them.

So, what does all of this have to do with a swagger? It's that whole confidence thing. His dad had a hard time reigning it in in college and now he's got it also! Nathan was born with it, it oozes from his body, in his trying-to-talk-with-a-deep-voice when playing with hammers and examining wheels, in his walk, in his excitement when he sees heavy equipment, in his lack of desire to smile for the camera, in the way he props his arm up on the chair's arm-rest and even when he has to be reminded to hug his mommy gently and don't pull hair.

It's there, he got most of it from his dad and that just makes him even more the cuter little man.

God, please mold this little boy to be the man you'll have him to be. Help me to be your gentle conduit. ~Mommy

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