I'm sure I've been hit by the crazy bus. Hit harder than normal at least. I have practiced for, registered and paid for a 5K run I plan to participate in tomorrow. Although my practicing has been more like a boa constrictor eats; a LOT in a short amount of time. I don't enjoy running. It's one of those exercise things. I'm much better at restricting my diet than actually making time to exert extraneous amounts of energy. Cleaning the house from top to bottom is way more interesting and exciting to me than running. I think this little "crazy moment" of mine is stemming from the pinnacle of being frustrated with having no life when Jim was at the tail end of finishing up grad school. I think something to the effect of this was said, "You just wait. When you graduate, I'm going to do something where I can get out of this house and release lots of energy, like go run a 5K or something." My intentions were to get on a schedule of regular running, even if just a mile or so, and hopefully build up to a 5K. Well the best-laid plans sometimes don't go as idealistically as we hope. I am officially the slowest "runner" of our church group (we're running together). The pastor's wife deemed herself the slowest but our 5am practice on Tuesday showed her that there was one other who had more turtle genetics pulsing through her veins. Good news is that I haven't fallen while running, passed out or had severe aches afterwards. Oh well, it's all in good fun, right?
Poor Katherine, she has to endure the painful journey of growing out her bangs with her mother, just because it's something I feel I must do about every 5 years or so (trying to stay hip you know?). I think an all-one-length cut will be cute on her petite face. Here, her and Nathan are enjoying snack time together.

Her and I got to do something extra special tonight. I am a self-proclaimed non-girly-girl when it comes to fashion, hair, make-up (overall appearance I guess). My daughter is all girl. Some comments she's made lately, "Mommy, I do not want to wear pants because they do not make me look beautiful" or "Will you make sure my hair looks like a princess" and one that prompted a conversation regarding her inner beauty this morning was "I need make-up to make me look prettier." (It's hard to have a conversation about inner beauty as I'm slathering the foundation on myself) So tonight the treat was that I painted her fingernails. I am a horrible mother for not painting her fingernails more often; it happens about 3 times a year. She LOVED it. The lighter mauve was there for color and the pink glitter on top was added for pizazz. I enjoyed holding her tiny hands in mine, watching her be careful not to touch anything until they dried and remembering how less than a year ago it would have been smeared within minutes. We topped it off with watching a full hour of "Say Yes to the Dress," one of her favorite big-people shows in addition to "Toddlers and Tiaras." She's declared she wants a long, white, flowing dress that twirls. A little princess, she is.

Jim is growing a beard in preparation for our church's annual Nativity Pageant. Katherine's question to him earlier this week was, "Is Nathan going to grow a mustache and beard?" It is just fascinating to me to watch their minds expand and figure things out.

Speaking of the Nativity Pageant, here's the flier. Come if you can, it's a top-notch production, very kid-friendly and an opportunity to create great memories for your family.

Daddy is so much better at finding time to play the fun stuff than mommy is.
I think the fascination with the diaper rash creme has more to do with me not wanting them to play with it. She wants to put it on her hands like lotion and he wants to carry it around, open it and occasionally suck the open end.
I made the mistake of leaving Destructo in the same room as the shredded paper container I was seconds away from emptying...

And lastly, yesterday was the perfect example of how busy my mind has been all this week. I was in charge of giving my testimony to our MOPS group of about 60 ladies; a little nervous was I? So nervous, I locked my keys in the car, had my wonderful friend Miss A. drive us home to pick up another set of car keys after our wonderful neighbors opened the house door using a spare key and kept Nathan for about 45 minutes, then Miss A. drove me to pick up Katherine from her school before the severe late penalty started accruing, then to pick up the car and back home for lunch. I have AWESOME friends! There's no telling how much money and grief could have happened if those three weren't there for me. God Bless you!
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