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Sunday, October 25

Chalk, dragonfly & Dora

These "cooler" evenings (less than 85 degrees) have provided the opportunity for the little people to play outside on the driveway while my watchful, trying-to-prepare-something-for-supper self is vigilantly watching and listening. I'm also remembering how interesting something is when experienced for the first time or it's been brought out after being put away for a couple seasons. My kiddos think chalk is the bomb, which is fine with me, we have 3 containers of the stuff. It's one of those kid activities that I have to work really hard at acting like I enjoy doing, mainly because it dries out my hands so bad. (don't like my hands dirty, never have really).

And no surprise here, Katherine is pretty good at keeping the chalk on the driveway.

Nathan enjoys eating the chalk, smearing it on his face, wallering in the chalk dust...

and his new-found freedom exploring the driveway unassisted.

On the way home Saturday night, a beautiful blue and green dragonfly met his maker when abruptly introduced to the front grille of our car. I carefully pulled him out and my little girl, who hasn't shown one bit of interest in anything that resembles a bug, wanted to explore it's helpless yet beautiful body. I encouraged it greatly. I was the one who introduced my little brother to a fishing worm and he was grossed out.

Well, we skipped out on church today because last night Nathan started running a fever and yesterday morning Katherine was diagnosed with an ear infection. But I decided to continue on with the original plan of going to visit Dora the Explorer at Silver Springs after lunch. It was a quick trip and I'm pretty sure Katherine was more interested in seeing the animals. It doesn't matter how much prepping I do, I don't think she'll be impressed with characters until she's a pre-teen.

I anticipated Dora's size to be a little shocking so the way there I asked,
M: How big do you think Dora will be? Do you think she'll be as big as you, or as big as me, or even bigger?
K: She's 3 1/2 and she'll be big as me!
M: Well, I don't know. I think the cartoons and videos make her look smaller than she actually is. I think she's pretty big.
K: NO! She's big as me! Not BIG like YOU!
M: Ok, well what will you do if she is bigger?
K: I no no.
M: Would you still like to see her and sit next to her all by yourself?
K: Yeth.Hence this comment made after leaving our picture with Dora,
K: Mommy, can we go see the giraffes now?

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