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Tuesday, July 14

Pre-walking woes

Yesterday, I found myself wishing Nathan would hurry up and learn how to walk (gasp! What are you thinking girl?). His bottles, all 9 of them with 5 intricate hard-to-wash parts each, needed washing right then. Little man was doing his normal whine for mommy, and he was tugging at my pants. Thanks to Weight Watchers and his very strong grip, I ended up standing in the kitchen, hands full of soapy suds for about 10 minutes with my drawers on the ground around my ankles, leaving no "handles" for Mr. whiney-poo. It's at times like these that I'm thankful for the obvious reasons: the FedEx man didn't have a delivery for our front door, it was daytime and not dark outside with our fluorescent lights shining on my derriere, the phone didn't ring, or a neighbor didn't come over to chat.

Hi, my name is Kelle, and I'm the mother of a pre-walker.


Katherine can be quite lovey with her little brother when she wants to be. She will break a content silence or unhappy wimper of his to proclaim, "I Love You!" and smother him with kisses all over his cheeks, forehead, head, ears, back of neck, etc. He doesn't seem to mind. I'm pretty sure he's trying to reciprocate sometimes.

I thought this was cute also. She loves it when Papa reads her "The Three Little Pigs." He lets her recite the repetitious parts of the story, with gusto! They are quite the pair in this picture, just enjoying a summer evening.

Side note: for those of you who have asked about it, I made leaving comments easier.

1 comment:

  1. I wish my pants would be that easy to pull down. Mine seem to be getting tighter & tighter. Love your pictures.



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