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Tuesday, August 6

Busch Gardens sin padre

The subject line above, translated means, Busch Gardens "without daddy".

I got a wild hair to go to BG with just me and the kids.  We have these passes for unlimited use through the end of the year, so why not?

I was prepared for driving 2 hours to Tampa and having to immediately turn around to come back home, but we made it for a solid 8 hours!  Alive!  And had a great time!

We planned for a trip to the splash pad to help beat the heat and thanks to mi mamacita, we were able to keep everybody happy, with a short nap.




Mommy makin' it and having fun!

They have a very cute splash pad / cave area.

K fine tuning her camera skills again.

We missed the A/C Iceplorations show by 1 minute, so the next best thing for being still and encouraging naps was a train ride.  It was so blasted hot!

Katherine did a fabulous job letting Brandon lay on her lap to nap, while Nathan did the same to me.

We saw Iceplorations after the train ride, got some snacks and attempted to ride some more Sesame rides, but there was a lightning delay.  It was the best thing, really, because the rain was coming our way.  We managed to make it from the middle of the park to sitting comfortably in the car within 15 minutes.  And then, the first rain drop.

Oh snap!  Go mommy!  Go mommy!  Thank goodness for strollers, safe cars, safe travels and sleepy riders.

I can't stress it enough, but the kids were phenomenal!  It easily could have been a miserable day, but they were ready to have fun also and it showed.  It was probably one of the top 10 days of being their mom and having fun with them.

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