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Friday, November 30

Afternoon bear hugs

It's been mentioned before that these two have a really special bond.  Their personalities are more similar, so far they have favored each other physically and her innate mothering has bode well for the 'new' baby in the house who enjoys the extra attention.

Every day for picking up Katherine we go through the car line.  I doubt I need to go into details about why getting 2 boys out of their car seats for a whopping 5 minutes is not the best option for our family, so thank goodness for car line!!!

Every day I also get to witness sheer, innocent, raw joy when she enters the car.  She is ever so excited to see Brandon and he is bursting out of his seems to see her.  She usually ditches the book bag, lunch bag and water bottle at the closest location to bend over and hug him and he does a fabulous job of hugging her back with all 4 limbs while still strapped into his 5-point harness seat belt.  Tightly.  While grunting.  And smiling from ear to ear.

I love watching this little act every day and it gives me goose bumps to watch them love each other.

And if you're wondering, every now and then Nathan will ask for a hug from her.  She obliges.  It's usually short and semi-sweet.  They just don't have the same chemistry as the other two.  I wish they did, but it's just a little different.

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