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Tuesday, March 2

A day in the life of Little Miss

Katherine is really starting to pick up on my supper-time frustrations.

Nathan started his normal I'm-ready-to-get-down-so-keep-feeding-me-as-I-walk-by-so-I-can-continue-playing supper routine which leads to frustration on his part for not being able to communicate this and then leads to flinging food.

Not a favorite activity of mine.

He was reprimanded and turned around to face the wall.

I then took a deep breath, looked at Katherine and said, "Now what were we trying to talk about?"

She lovingly reached across the table, held on to my two hands with her two tiny hands, looked me in the eyes and said, "Mommy, do you just want to talk about your day?"

Am I that transparent?

* * * * * * * * * *

She's also figuring out that when she does or says nice things, she gets lots of positive attention and praise. Now whether or not she believe this is anyone's guess, but she said to me "Mommy, I like sandwiches. I like whatever you make 'cause they're really good for my body."

* * * * * * * * * *

She's very quick to point out when she's not been so good. At the end of the day, I enjoy talking about the day and telling her what I really enjoyed, what I had fun doing, what she did that was so good or what she did that might have hurt someone's feelings, etc. She will disagree with me when I tell her she's been good that day.
K: I was not good all day. (shaking her head no, with eyebrows up and eyes rolling back)
Me: Well, what did you do that wasn't so good?
K: I screamed in the bathtub.
Me: You're right, you did scream even after I asked you not to.
K: Yep, I did and you forgot.
Me: Did you do anything else today that might not have been so good?
K: Ummmm.
extremely long pause
K: No, I was good the rest of the day.

Little Miss Particular she is.

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