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Saturday, February 13

Random Little Lady updates

Periodically, I'll write down something cute or interesting the kids did. I've been looking at this long list lately and decided to put it all down.

The following is very random events that have happened in the life of Katherine, but worth documenting.

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We've entered the world of a 3-year-old's lack of social etiquette. We're trying to teach Katherine that even though she may be thinking it, she doesn't have to verbalize everything that's on her mind.

My dad came to eat the other night. He prepared his plate with a normal man-size portion of food, especially the white acre peas which just happen to be his favorite.

Her comments were: "Is all that for you?" and "Are you gonna eat all that"

After a little ha ha over her comments, dad asked her a loaded question: "Katherine, do you say the prayer every night, or just when I'm here" and she replied with, "only when you're here." Which is NOT the truth, might I add.
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After leaving Lowe's, Katherine and I started a conversation about how Lowe's and Moe's rhymed.

Me: Hey, Katherine. They rhyme! Do you know of any other words that rhyme with Lowe's and Moe's?
Katherine: ummmmmmmmmm................ no.
M: Sure you do. I'm thinking of a body part that rhymes.
K: I dunno. (insert tad bit of attitude)
M: This word is a body part that is on your face and rhymes with LOWE'S and MOE'S. Can you think of what I'm thinking of?
K: (she proceeded to muster up every single bit of pre-teen attitude her little 29 pound frame could handle and said) Uh, GERMS!
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Ever since Christmas, Nathan has had the coveted book in our car. It is a 6" board book with pictures of trucks in it. It is coveted because he wants to hold it every time we get in the car, therefore so does Katherine. After more than a month of listening to squabbling in the back seat over a book I know only one of them is truly interested in, I decided to spend some $ on something Katherine could call her own, special for just her. So each one of them has their unique books, special to them.

So I bought a Bride's magazine.

The best $6 I've spent in a long time. It stays in the car and she no longer calls "shotgun" on holding the truck book.

Now, before anyone gets all worried about her already looking at wedding gowns, simmer down. She has no clue of what a wedding is or what it means. She will comment regularly on how she just got married last night, to Nathan, who was the prince, I was there, just out of my mommy's tummy, and the grandchildren made it whose names are Zoe and Lala.
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I remember suffering greatly from allergies, as a child. My nose would run, I was sneezing constantly, my eyes itched. I was a mess. There was a commercial on TV, though, that interested me. It talked about relieving the itching and burning. Didn't have any clue exactly what the commercial was advertising, just a catchy name and it just seemed like a product I could benefit from.

I also remembered my mom putting some type of cream in my eyes that seemed to help the itching. In my mind, I put together the cream, a commercial with desirable results and pure frustration and I was one desperate pre-teen.

So desperate that one day, while trying to rinse away the itchiness, my mom came to check in on me. In all of my desperation, all I could do was think of the cream and the commercial, so I blurted out the answer to my itchy woes, "Mom, I just need some Preparation H!"

Imagine her confusion when she tried to piece together itchy eyes with Preparation H. Then she started to chuckle. I don't believe she explained then what that product was for, she figured I learn eventually.

Now, fast forward 25 years and I have a little girl sitting on the pot with an upset stomach. I'm playing detective/doctor by asking her questions about what hurts, what she ate, etc. Her matter-of-fact answer to her problem was, "Mommy, my tummy is upset because I sneeze and have allergies."

It's just funny how we can be so different, yet so similar at the same time.

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