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Thursday, May 30

End of 1st grade awards

She's a little stinker she is.

So I got to go to her end of the year awards ceremony.  With camera in hand, and the boys being babysat, I was ready to enjoy watching her from afar.

The little stinker broad-sided me with two surprises.  She was the only one in her class and one of only 8 in the entire school that received the Presidential Physical Fitness award!  What?  My little monkey!  She said she stopped at 10 pull-ups on the bar because that's all you had to get.  I said, "Could you have done more?" and she said, "Yeah!"  like duh!

Here's Coach D handing her her Pres. Ph Fit award.

And another award for being in the Jogging club.  I can't remember exactly how many miles it was but it was many she ran each week.

The other surprise was with her Book Adventure points.  We worked to keep her well read with checking out lots of books from the public library.  She enjoyed logging on to the website, searching for the test and then taking the test.  I was aware of her reading 60-something books from Feb 1 through May from our house, but when I show up and heard that she had supplemented her home-reading with some school-reading and actually tested on 100 books, I was floored!  She hadn't mentioned any reading she had done at school to me.  I had no idea.  She read 25 books each month and tested correctly on them!  Wowsers!

I am so stinking proud of her and think it's cute that she's so humble about all that hoopla.

Here she is, the end of the year with her buds.

Mrs. Possehl



Abigail, Reina, K, Anna, Blanca and Zenobia

Pure cuties!

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