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Thursday, June 24

My Father's Day

No I'm not a father, but I had a FABULOUS Father's Day.

It started out with my little man waking up earlier than usual. How is that a fabulous day, you ask, well that part wasn't.

Nathan has managed, for the last couple of months, to not get upset when we leave him in the nursery during Sunday School, so that was extra nice. And I've been trying to acclimate him to singing in church. The first time I brought him into church for the singing since he was an infant, he sang louder than anyone else around us, causing people to turn around and take notice. The next couple of times he was more interested in trying to get me to stop singing by saying in his high-pitched, squeaky voice, "No, No, Noooooooo!"

Well, the singing saga has improved. He no longer holds his hand over my mouth nor looks at everyone else around us in disgust.

But Father's Day, oh very cute. Our church lovingly passes out roses to the mothers on their day and fathers get . . . . . . candy bars. Katherine and Nathan both cautiously made the trek alllllllll the way to the front of the church, with the help of Bekah's guiding hand, and brought back two candy bars for daddy.

And then it happened.

(No, I did not eat the candy bars in church! I do have some cooth.)

My little boy fell asleep on my lap!

My little man, who is too busy to be still. The little boy who can't miss anything going on around him. The kid who rarely likes me to hold him even when he's sick. Yes, the one that is allergic to cuddling. He settled right down in the nook of my arms, got real still, and was rocked to sleep by my swaying while singing.

Which all of that in mom-terms meant that lunch was going to be a little bit more pleasant and talk-friendly because of our well-rested child.

It was a very selfish Father's Day for me. My husband is a phenomenal father. He deserved to be able to hold our baby while sleeping (but that would have made both of them too hot and sweaty). He is transforming into this incredibly selfless, thoughtful, caring, gentle, God-seeking, getting-easier-to-talk-to man. And I am so thankful for him.

He did manage to fit in one really important life lesson that day: how grasshoppers can be really cool to play with.
Someone was not afraid.
Someone wasn't so sure.

Happy Father's Day Jim!

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