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Wednesday, April 10

Baby steps

I'm pretty sure, before kids, I would have been irritated with this.  But through kids, I'm learning how to notice the baby steps and pure intentions in not just little people, but adults as well.

My Nathan, loves Fruit Loops cereal.  His sister is old enough and deft enough to know how to open a box of cereal, pour it into a bowl and pour a half empty gallon jug of milk into the bowl for their breakfast feast.  This has worked well for Mommy some mornings when their wake up time proceeded the one my body was calling for.

What I found so spectacular and awesome about this particular morning, in addition to their independence, was that they knew they needed to seal the cereal bag.  All those dozens of times I said, "you've gotta seal it or it'll be stale and yucky next time you eat it," must've sunk in.  Even though form might need to be fine-tuned, the memory and skill are there.

Baby steps mom.  They're making leaps and bounds, it's me that needs to take the baby steps. :)

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