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Tuesday, March 13

Return from the dessert

MAN, I miss blogging!

There's something about putting thoughts down, with an occasional cute picture, that is very cathartic for me.

And I've missed it, TERRIBLY.

So, tonight, my wonderful husband encouraged me to blog.  Ooooh, thank you honey.

Just one tiny problem.  I haven't uploaded or edited pictures or videos from my 2 cameras in over 2 months.  Which translates into, major prep time before blogging.

So that's just what I did tonight.  I even started a list of topics I'm dying to write about.

I'd like to write about our new car, show pictures of Brandon's room, tell stories about our trips to Epcot, Hollywood Studios and The Florida Aquarium, chat about potty training success in a sweet 3-year-old boy that I'm sooooooo stinking proud of and a 10-month old that decided to bypass being a baby and fast-track the crawling, pulling up, cruising, waving and new teeth arena.  I'm excited and a bit scared of a Triathlon I'll be participating in (yes you heard me right) and I hope to write about my quirky new friend, Patty.  And I almost forgot the Christmas Pageant, more daddy-and-kids dancing, a great Monster Truck rally in our playroom, the Father-Daughter Dance, no room in our bed and numerous videos of kids being cute.

Everything is pretty much the same here.  Brandon's hair still sticks up, Nathan is fine-tuning his comedic skills and Katherine still loves ballet.  I did figure out during this hiatus that when the laundry pile makes it to the embarrassing number of 15 loads, something's gotta give.  Exercising on a regular basis also makes me tired and has forced me to be on a more regular sleep schedule.  All of those equal Yeah for basic house duties and good health; bad for blogging time which usually happens when everyone else is asleep.

I hope to get back to it all soon.  There's too much to skip out on.  Guess laundry will fall behind once more.  :)

I don't like leaving a post without any pictures, so here's the latest on the kiddos.

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