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Wednesday, September 5

Random updates

So, I reeeaaallllyyyy need to update lots of things, but tonight is strictly for some quick random updates.

For instance, Nathan's favorite color is no longer orange.  WHAT?  I have asked him numerous times if this really is the case and he's for certain, his favorite color is now, GREEN!  Daddy's favorite color is green.  No coincidence there, I'm guessing.  I'm in mourning over this.  Nathan introduced the beauty of orange into my life and I'm forever grateful.  Orange was probably my least favorite color of all, until it became his favorite.  Mine eyes have seen the glory of the many different facets of orange, all because of my middle child.  Not just Gator orange, which was pretty much the only one I paid attention to, but the salmon shades of orange and the beautiful pumpkin/autumn-y shades of orange too.  Brandon can thank his older brother for the beautiful orange design accents in his room.  (That's another update on the horizon.  He's only 16 months old.  His room's been done for over a year and a half).  Excuse me while I listen to taps in honor of the passing of Nathan's favorite color being orange.


Ok, so next is about our precious little fuzzy wuzzy, easy-going, he-makes-3-look-easy youngest child.  He has officially turned into a force to be reckoned with.  He has found his volume switch, his accelerator pedal and his activity knob.  He is really starting to understand that it takes lots of volume, repetition and persistence to speak over two other siblings.  I just wish I knew what his combination of consonants and vowels meant.  Spending 2 hours in the car every day is quickly becoming his least favorite thing to do.  Last year, dropping off Katherine and picking her up fit well into his rest/nap times, but now they're not jiving at all.

We're still waiting on Nathan to get into 3-year-old school.  He's been #1 on the waiting list for over 2 months and I am doing my best. to. patiently. wait.  He is more than ready to start a part time school, particularly the one within walking distance of our house.  Two hours in the car already has pre-determined where Nathan will go to school, so now it's just a waiting game.

Katherine's school is going well.  There was no prying of her arms away from my neck this year.  There was a little hesitancy the first day, but she requested to be dropped off in car line the second day.  Something about all the commotion her brothers bring makes her uneasy, I think.

And lastly, I'm officially dumber for watching portions of the show 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.'  I considered writing about the state of our country with it's impending Presidential election coming up, but somehow Honey Boo Boo and her redneck family was the train wreck my eyes could not avert from.  It's difficult to formulate complete thoughts and sentences when even a muted television of Honey Boo Boo is in the same room.  Flashes of Georgia-clay covered rednecks flying through the air into pools of red mud are images powerful enough to deaden any intelligent thoughts I might have thought were brewing.  So, I'll save my political commentary, something I tend to avoid, for another time.  Another time when maybe, just maybe, the only flash of light in the room is my Blogger page automatically saving my work.

I must get to bed.  I finally got back to working out today and I'm actually tired before 11.  Honey Boo Boo will hopefully deaden the rest of the brain cells I have that are still awake and send me into bliss-filled sleep.

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