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Tuesday, June 18

Swim lesson admirers

Nathan and Luke had swimming lessons at our house this summer.  We had Mrs. Patty Kay and Mrs. Bekah come over for a week to get our boys closer to a safer level of swimming.  And it worked.

Nathan needed that little push to get him swimming on his own and putting his face underwater.  And because of them spending that week with him, I feel much more comfortable with Nathan in the water now.

Since it was just the 2 boys swimming, they happened to have some admirers patiently watching them often.

Thursday, June 13

Ears, chairs and wall

So this picture is here for multiple reasons:

1.  Brandon looks cute in bunny ears.  I love his fuzzy hair.

2.  Those are the wingback chairs I'm working on.  This picture was taken in June.  I'm shooting for having them done within a year of me buying them.  :)

3.  The wall in the background, behind the mirror, is just one of the things I've done in this room to un-man-cave it.  It was painted with a stencil, lots of patience and a little girl begging to help.  But again, I'll eventually have a post showing all the beautiful changes I made to this room.  One day.

Sunday, June 9

Lemonade stand

Katherine really surprised us the end of school.  Her teacher, Mrs. Lee, read the class a story about a little girl named Alex that was diagnosed with cancer.  Alex bravely fought cancer for 3 years and started a lemonade stand to raise money for children's cancer research.  Alex eventually lost her battle with cancer, but left a legacy that resonated in Katherine's heart.

On the way home from school, June 4th, Katherine asked if she could have a lemonade stand.  She had asked before but I always found a reason why she shouldn't.  We've got plans this weekend.  Daddy's working this weekend.  It'll be raining or it's too cold or even the shameful excuse of, "I don't think you understand how much work goes into one of those."

Well, this time, she was prepared for my resistance.  I started to find a reason why she shouldn't pursue it, once more, but before I could really find a reason to say no she said, "I want to raise money for children with cancer."

Ouch.  Ok.  She had my attention.

I asked her to explain where her idea came from and she described the book Mrs. Lee read to the class.  She explained how it would be awful to have cancer and that she wanted to help raise money to help stop cancer happening to kids.

Just breath, I had to tell myself.

"OK.  When do you want to have it?"

"This weekend is the National Lemonade Stand weekend for Alex.  Here's the bookmark that tells you all about it."

She handed me a bookmark that described Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, and sure enough, it stated that the weekend of June 8th & 9th was the designated time for the National fundraising event.

Well, that started the ball rolling and my little party-planner-in-training hit her stride.

She helped create lists of things to buy, things to set up and things to prepare ahead of time.  She picked out the yellow and pink lemonade mixes.  She chose the yellow and aqua colored cups and napkins and balloons and tablecloths.  She helped wrap cookies.  She mixed 8 gallons of lemonade.  She picked out which flyers to print off the website and she helped me create the paragraph describing who she was and why she wanted to raise money.

We decided to have it after church.  So when we got home, she helped set up the table and brought out all the cookies, napkins, pitchers, cups, balloons and flyers.  She carefully set up the table with all its items and waited patiently on her first customer, who just happened to be Mrs. Lee. :)

She did a spectacular job of tending to all her guests when they arrived by asking them if they'd rather have pink or yellow lemonade, handing them their cup with a napkin and asking them if they'd like a cookie also.  She even stopped playing with her friends and cousins when a guest arrived, would help them, then go back to playing.

She helped clean up.  She counted the money and learned about deposit slips and checkbooks and how to write out a check.

She was the best little girl EVER!  I know, I'm biased, but she really showed when she wants to put her mind to something, that she has the ability and know-how and stamina to complete the task at hand.

Katherine raised almost $300 that day and proved herself to be a caring, intelligent and kind-hearted little girl!

Daddy and I are so proud of you Katherine.  You ROCK!

Thursday, June 6

Sprinkles and sillies

Our children kind of lean toward being terrified of rain storms.  It's important to me that they understand the difference between that and a sprinkling shower.  I try to get them to "go play in the rain" but they always look at me like I'm crazy.

So throw in the opportunity to play with the umbrellas and they're interested.  It was also the first day after school being out.

My last really good picture of Nathan with an umbrella.  He was 9 months old.

Brandon's signature smile.

Helping out little bro.

I don't know what's going on here, but it was cute.


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